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National Claims Advice Hotline 0818 252 800

Insurance Loss Assessors – How can they help?

Insurance Loss Assessors – How can they help?

Insurance Loss AssessorsWhat can insurance Loss Assessors do that you can’t?

Insurance Loss Assessors are au fait with all aspects of insurance claim therefore you don’t need to be, as you will only make one or two claims in your lifetime, there wouldn’t really need to be a reason for you to become an expert.

Insurance Loss Assessors understand the inner sections of your insurance policy, so items like average, inner policy limits, etc may cause you issues within your claim. Average is probably one of the more serious issues when claiming on your insurance policy and in a nut shell, if you were insured for €100,000 and should have been insured for €200,000, for every €1000 claimed you will receive €500. Good Insurance Loss Assessors know where there is ambiguity and will decrease the value at risk hence increasing your offer.

Not all policies have average attached to them and some have a wear and tear clause, good loss assessors can advise you on how best to proceed in that regard.

On some policies, the sum insured on the buildings will be adjusted monthly in line with the house rebuilding cost index prepared by the Department of the Environment. Where there has been an inflationary increase above the House Rebuilding Cost index or if this index is not available they will use a suitable alternative to increase the sum insured. No additional premium will be charged for those adjustments between the anniversary dates of the policy, but renewal premium will be calculated on the revised sum insured as appropriate.

And some policies also provide a protection after loss clause which would be that the sum insured on the buildings will continue to be index linked following loss or damage by any cause listed in the relevant sections while the buildings are being reinstated, provided that the insured take all reasonable steps to ensure that the reinstatement is carried out without undue delay.

Good Loss Assessors will assist you in obtaining a 30% better settlement offer, on average these are the results that we achieve therefore call us today to enquire how we can help with your claim.